Imara un engagement durable et s'engage contre le naufrage climatique

Imara a lasting commitment and undertakes against climate sinking

At the house of IMARA Tea, our goal is not only to celebrate Africa by means of collections. We also want to support our partners to transform the African tea production sector.

 Kenya is the subject of a paradox. He is the world's leading producer of black tea shavings. A yield that contrasts clearly with the still artisanal methods of small local producers. Their quality requirement and ancient know-how serves them in the search for new outlets in Europe. We could then have limited ourselves to the role of merchant to help them export their tea. But we made the more ambitious choice to create our own brand by promising three guarantees:

  • traceability of our products thanks to the removal of any intermediary
  • A quality of production still rare in the French and European markets
  • Support for small producers to more sustainable agriculture

This last imperative is anchored in our DNA because we are aware that if nothing changes, the average temperature in Kenya will increase by 2.5 ° C by 2050. It may be possible to sunbathe on Mount Kenya, which culminates Yet at 5,199 meters above sea level. But climate change would have the consequence of reducing territories by 26% in the country where tea culture is optimal. The impact would be dramatic for the already fragile economy of Kenya since tea production represents a quarter of its agricultural exports.


At the house of IMARA Tea, we therefore decided to act by becoming a member of the international collective 1% for the planet. This commitment involves paying 1% of our annual turnover to associations fighting against climate sinking and promoting the development of reasoned agriculture.


In addition, we support our agricultural partners in their transition to sustainable and more economical agriculture. We will thus finance the purchase of drips, watering systems allowing to perfectly irrigate the plants. As the leaves are not wet, the risk of the appearance of diseases such as mildew or powdery mildew drastically falls. Another size advantage: rainwater can be recycled, which leads to a drop in water expenses, a particularly precious resource in Kenya.


Our goal is also to support our local partners towards organic. The cooperative with which we work is located in Mont Kenya, a region on the weather conditions conducive to an optimal tea culture. The freshness of temperatures neutralizes the presence of snowfields and other harmful insects for tea leaves. So she decided a year and a half ago to stop any use of pesticides. We help him today to obtain an organic label so that the quality of its production is recognized. We are hopeful to achieve it shortly because it combines everything that is dear to IMARA Tea : an exceptional tea obtained from old and environmental techniques.


Finally, we are very attached to the valuation of human capital. It is essential that our employees feel good at work and appreciate treating with us. We are focused on an issue that is important to us: the emancipation of women. We hope in three years to open a crèche on the cooperative to allow mothers to have their children keep while they work in plantations. We are also in close contact with a doctor from Nairobi to create a dispensary on site.

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