Le matin, la journée ou le soir, pour quel thé opter ?

In the morning, the day or in the evening, for which tea to choose?

Every moment of the day, seasons, and depending on the routine activities of each, we are all led to have a different lifestyle. Concerned about a busy schedule? Difficulties in digesting after a generous meal? Or just, are you subject to insomnia?

Tea is a great way to overcome everyday problems! It is available in several ways according to your desires, black, green, or even red, all have different virtues. This is why each tea must be drunk strategically according to the course of the day. The advantage of tea with other hot drinks? All give the taste buds different sensations that will make your tea break unforgettable!

Choose tea according to the time of day

Know that it is very important to choose the right tea according to your needs, but especially depending on the day! We are talking to great tea lovers as much to people who are not necessarily used to consuming it, because we are all subject to certain vagaries of life. During a difficult awakening, a heavy meal, during your gourmet break or during your insomnia, with each tea its solution! A lack of energy when you wake up? Faced with this problem, you can completely opt for a dark tea like the black tea which will allow you, thanks to its rich capacity in theine, to start the day calmly. But if you do not adhere to the intense taste of black tea, you can always opt for a purple tea Who will give you energy and dynamism without removing the gourmet side with its slightly sweet side! A planned brunch? What we recommend and swap your favorite drink with a yellow tea Who will allow you to detoxify your body, decreasing the absorption of fatty acids in the stomach, it stimulates your metabolism! Towards the afternoon, want a gourmet break? We have the ideal tea to accompany your pastry! What could be better than a fruity and tangy flavor to accompany your favorite dessert! Is that theHibiscus infusion. At nightfall, many have the same prejudice: avoid tea in the evening. But let us guide you a little more on the subject, in fact, there are teas which contain a very small amount of theine and which will considerably facilitate your sleep! In one of these teas, there is an orange, yes, it is Oolong tea, at the base famous for its ability to facilitate digestion, it is just as profitable to consume it before sleeping. It brings relaxation and reduces stress thanks to an amino acid named Théanine, thus, it guarantees a restful sleep.

The importance of drinking your tea depending on the season

Spring, summer, fall or winter, depending on the seasons, the choice of your tea is more important than what is claimed. Typically in autumn, you will certainly need a minimum of enthusiasm to start the start of the school year! We no longer present it, the black tea, Powerful physical and mental stimulant, he will be able to fill you with energy thanks to the tea -contained theine. In winter, you will have to be in lack of energy due to temperature changes. So to help you go up the slope, we recommend that you drink antioxidant -rich teas like the very powerful Yellow tea, The perfect hot drink in this freezing period! Arrives spring. After the holidays, you were surely happy! But unfortunately it has not been without consequences, your body needs an energizing drink that allows it to regain strength! Tea purple is the solution to this difficulty, it strengthens the immune system, therefore, it keeps illnesses away such as colds, flu or even cardiovascular disease. Summer is approaching and you are in high heat that weighs down? In this annoying situation, there are teas that you can drink cold as hot! This is the case with black tea and yellow tea that you can perfectly decline hot drinks in delicious iced teas.

Errors not to be made in your way of consuming tea

Before letting you go we could not leave you empty -handed without telling you the famous mistakes not to make. Because in principle a tea can be very good for the body but if you are unhappy with it may have harmful consequences on your health. Green tea for example is certainly a powerful antioxidant, however it is imperative not to consume it before falling asleep it could create complications, so it is recommended to stop drinking it four hours before you go to bed. Another frequent error is absolutely not to drink any tea while you eat it would decrease the absorption of iron in your body, so you must favor drinking it upstream or downstream of your meal. Also in the collective unconscious, we often think that you always have to drink cold drinks in times of heat to cool off but think again since like the Tuareg culture, we could demonstrate this assertion to us is false. This is scientifically proven, if you drink hot tea during hot weather it will trigger at home what is called sweating, the body will then self-regulate and lower your body temperature.

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